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Boston, MA


Pause || Blog

Blog with real life stories and inspiring content for memory keepers and life documentarians.

We launched a PODCAST!

Kiera Slye

Seriously! We really did!

It has been a bucket list item for me and we have decided to take 2022 by the horns and go for our dreams… even if daycare is closed multiple days a week and we have very few extra hours to spend on passion projects over here! The truth is — there’ll never be a great time, so why can’t now be the perfectly imperfect time to just push record and launch!

You can find all of the latest episodes here.

Please take a listen!

Follow and subscribe on your favorite channels of choice!
We even set up a page on our site dedicated to hosting the transcripts and any show notes of our current episodes! Take a peek below!

Hugest hugs and high fives!

xo- Kiera