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Share with us what you'd love to preserve about your life and what roadblocks have you encountered that have prevented you so far!

Boston, MA


Pause || Blog

Blog with real life stories and inspiring content for memory keepers and life documentarians.

The Secret is Out!

Kiera Slye


Hi Friends!

I took a kinda crazy long and unexpected hiatus just as things were ramping up here. But I promise I have a great excuse! One that will be arriving in April and one that knocked me straight out of commission with some crazy morning sickness and fatigue during the first trimester.

That’s right! Our Frame of Life Family is expanding! We’re expecting a baby BOY to join the crew here in a few short months! I wanted to share the news with you and to get you updated with my “plans” for how I am going to manage things moving forward.

I created this project to help myself learn to pause and become more aware of the beauty and magic in the life that surrounds me. It has been and remains my hope to share my creative process for documenting life and finding big love in the small moments that make up our every day lives.

I am growing as a human (and coincidentally also a growing a human) every day. As a “new” mama and creative entrepreneur, I want to share the lessons I learn along the way, in real time. Let’s learn and grow together in this little community that I have created.

Instagram will be where most of my sharing efforts will be focused for the time being. I want to keep things simple and still stay connected with my community.

Of course in my dream world, I will have so much more energy now that I am in the second trimester and will be able to post tutorials, host online workshops and continue to provide fun inspiration on a monthly basis, but I don’t want to over promise and under deliver anything.

So if you haven’t already, be sure to pop on over to Instagram and follow me @frameoflifeproject. I love chatting one on one in my Comments and DM’s with my “friends” across the world. There, we tackle photo organizing projects, photo displays and albums, and discover new ways to make documenting and sharing life’s adventures both fun and do-able.

I can’t wait to see where this adventure takes us and thank you so very much for hanging around for the ride!
