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Boston, MA


Podcast Episodes

Podcast Episode show notes for sentimental memory makers.

6. Short Story Filmmaking

Kiera Slye

This episode covers the basics for creating better short films using your phone! You really can create dynamic storytelling short home movies using the tips and tricks we discuss in this episode. I can’t wait to hear what resonates with you. Be sure to tag @frameoflifeproject on IG if you start sharing your short movies on reels or in your feed! I’d love to see and root you on!

Click for visual examples of the 6 shot types in action.

Here are some more of the links I mentioned in our show:

GIF Tutorial of Camera Shots and Angles

Inspiration Videos:

Here are some of the home movies I created over the last few years using the tips I described in this episode. All of these movie clips are short (1 min or less). Hope they inspire you with new ways of witnessing the world! Get out and practice!


A Sugary Sweet Sunday

Beach Trip

Mundane Moments

Thanks for listening!
