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Boston, MA


1. Intro to Frame of Life

Podcast Episodes

Podcast Episode show notes for sentimental memory makers.

1. Intro to Frame of Life

Kiera Slye


Oh, hey there friend. This is Kiera, your host, and this is our first episode of the Frame of Life Podcast. I am so excited that you're here. I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about the podcast and get us all on the same page moving forward. Today is day one. It is the first day launching this podcast and just going for it. My mantra for 2022 has been to stop letting fear hold me back and stop coming up with excuses not to start. I'm taking little tiny steps, and I'm putting them into action every day.

I'd love to take a second to give you a little bit of background about Frame of Life and a little more about me so you know who you're talking with. I'm a former criminal defense attorney who married a guy named Frank, my law school sweetheart. Turns out I like smiling and happiness too much to be a criminal defense attorney, and the stress was wreaking havoc on my body. Frank encouraged me to follow something of my dreams and that was to be a photographer. I've spent the last 11 years working with families and companies to help with their branding and lifestyle photography needs.

After experiencing several significant losses of close family members, including a dear friend of mine, all while starting and growing our family, I felt this deep desire for space to be able to process my grief and deal with some of the postpartum anxiety I was experiencing. Through that struggle, I discovered that my greatest gift was my ability to pause time by using my camera to document the mundane moments of everyday life. Each night when I reviewed my photos from the day, the magic would unfold, and I'd see the beauty in the story that existed within my life just as it was. This helped me to heal the deep wounds in my soul and gave me an appreciation for the amount of joy that was present within each day, even if those days felt heavy.

Today, we live in the 'burbs of Boston with our rescue pup Cody and our two kiddos, Willa who just turned five and Charlie who was born two weeks into the global pandemic shutdown. He'll be two in April.

I founded Frame of Life to bring together my experience as a family photographer combined with my five years experience as a real life mama in the trenches to share simple and actionable tips to start preserving and creating more memories for our families. My hope is to help show people that what you create doesn't have to be perfect to become gold, and that you can create lasting legacies and fun memories with your family even with a little bit of time extra in your day.

While we grow here, the plan is to drop a new podcast every month on the first Friday of the month all about sharing tips and tricks for becoming more present in your life, noticing the details of things that matter, and sharing my real practical tips for taking better photos and videos of your family. I also plan to be interviewing people that I admire and sharing stories that will help connect us all.

I believe that everybody has a story to tell, and I hope that this podcast helps you to embrace your story, document it, and have fun along the way. This is going to be probably one of my most shortest episodes. I'm here to just say hey and let you know that future episodes won't be perfect. My kids will probably show up, and the dog will probably bark. You'll hear a lawn mower in the background or an Amazon truck backing up into my driveway because I order too much stuff on there. I am so glad you're here, and I can't wait to talk with you guys soon.

Hey, if you're as excited as I am about this podcast, I'd love it if you followed along and subscribed on your favorite subscription place. I think you're on Spotify or Apple because that's where we exist right now. So give me a follow. If you want, shoot me a DM over on Instagram at Frame of Life Project. I'd love to chat, and I can't wait for our future episodes together. Thank you so much. We did it. Episode one is done.